Viviane Baladi (born 23 May 1963) is a mathematician who works as a director of research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in France. Originally Swiss, she has become a naturalized citizen of France.[1] Her research concerns dynamical systems. Education and career Baladi earned master’s degrees in mathematics and computer science in 1986 from the University of Geneva.[1] She stayed in Geneva for her doctoral studies, finishing a Ph.D. in 1989 under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Eckmann, with a dissertation concerning the zeta functions of dynamical systems.[2] She worked at CNRS beginning in 1990, with a leave…
Helene Stähelin (18 July 1891 Wintersingen – 30 December 1970 Basel) was a Swiss mathematician, teacher, and peace activist.[1] Between 1948 and 1967, she was president of the Swiss section of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and its representative in the Swiss Peace Council.[2][3] Early life and scientific work She was one of twelve children of the parson Gustav Stähelin (1858–1934)[4] and his wife Luise, née Lieb. In 1894, the family moved from Wintersingen to Allschwil. Helene Stähelin attended the Töchterschule Basel and the Universities Basel and Göttingen. In 1922, she became teacher of mathematics and natural…
Catherine Bandle (born 22 March 1943)[1] is a Swiss mathematician known for her research on differential equations, including semilinear elliptic equations and reaction-diffusion equations, and for her book on isoperimetric inequalities. She is a professor emerita of mathematics at the University of Basel.[2] Education and career Bandle completed her doctorate (Dr. math.) at ETH Zurich in 1971. Her dissertation, Konstruktion isoperimetrischer Ungleichungen der mathematischen Physik aus solchen der Geometrie, concerned isoperimetric inequalities and was jointly supervised by Joseph Hersch and Alfred Huber.[3][1] Like Alice Roth before her, she received the ETH Silver Medal for her dissertation, and she continued at…
Ana M. L. G. Cannas da Silva (born 1968) is a Portuguese mathematician specializing in symplectic geometry and geometric topology. She works in Switzerland as an adjunct professor in mathematics at ETH Zurich.[1] Early life and education Cannas was born in Lisbon. After studying at St. John de Britto College,[2] she earned a licenciatura in mathematics in 1990 from the Instituto Superior Técnico in the University of Lisbon.[1] She then went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for graduate studies, earning a master’s degree in 1994 and completing her Ph.D. in 1996. Her dissertation, Multiplicity Formulas for Orbifolds, was supervised…
Chloé Frammery, also known as Chloé F., is a French-Swiss mathematician, activist, vlogger, and lecturer. Her media coverage and popularity[1][2] are due in particular for her contribution to the information about the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the protests against responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Biography Chloé Frammery is a mathematics teacher at the orientation cycle [fr] at Genève[10] from 2007[11] to 2022,[12] she was dismissed by the Canton of Geneva public education department in 2022. Her parents are engineers. Her mother was municipal councillor (legislative) of the Swiss Socialist Party in the city of Geneva from 2007 to 2011.[11]…
Sophie Piccard (1904–1990) was a Russian-Swiss mathematician who became the first female full professor (professor ordinarius) in Switzerland.[1][2] Her research concerned set theory, group theory, linear algebra, and the history of mathematics.[1] Early life and education Piccard was born on September 27, 1904, in Saint Petersburg, with a French Huguenot mother and a Swiss father. She earned a diploma in Smolensk in 1925, where her father, Eugène-Ferdinand Piccard, was a university professor and her mother a language teacher at the lycée. Soon afterwards she moved to Switzerland with her parents, escaping the unrest in Russia that her mother, Eulalie Piccard,…
Alessandra Iozzi (born 25 January 1959) is an Italian-born mathematician known for her research in geometric group theory. Originally from Rome, she holds Italian, Swiss, and American citizenships,[1] and works as an adjunct professor of mathematics at ETH Zurich.[2] Education and careerIozzi obtained a laurea at the Sapienza University of Rome in 1982, supervised by Massimo Picardello. Then, she moved to the University of Chicago where she earned a Master’s Degree in 1985 and a Ph.D. in 1989.[1] Her dissertation, Invariant Geometric Structures: A Non-Linear Extension of the Borel Density Theorem, was supervised by Robert Zimmer.[3] After holding a lecturer…
Eva Bayer-Fluckiger (born 25 June 1951) is a Hungarian and Swiss mathematician. She is an Emmy Noether Professor Emeritus at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. She has worked on several topics in topology, algebra and number theory, e.g. on the theory of knots, on lattices, on quadratic forms and on Galois cohomology. Along with Raman Parimala, she proved Serre’s conjecture II regarding the Galois cohomology of a simply-connected semisimple algebraic group when such a group is of classical type.[1] Early life and career Bayer-Fluckiger was born in Budapest, Hungary.[2] She attended the University of Geneva, where she obtained her doctorate…
Meike Maria Elisabeth Akveld is a Swiss mathematician and textbook author, whose professional interests include knot theory, symplectic geometry, and mathematics education. She is a tenured senior scientist and lecturer in the mathematics and teacher education group in the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zurich.[1][2][3] She is also the organizer of the Mathematical Kangaroo competitions in Switzerland,[4] and president of the Association Kangourou sans Frontières, a French-based international society devoted to the popularization of mathematics.[5][6] Education Akveld earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Warwick and took Part III of the Mathematical Tripos at the University of Cambridge.[3] She completed her Ph.D. at ETH Zurich in 2000, with the dissertation Hofer geometry for Lagrangian loops,…